Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shopping angst

Few people love a deal more than I do, and few people experience buyer's remorse over every single thing they buy.  I research every purchase with regard to quality and price.  I comparison shop, look for coupons and promo codes, and am a dedicated ebates user.  Of course, I also fall victim to a good deal that I don't always need which begats more buyer's remorse.

This time of year is hell for me.  I have a general idea of what the kids want for Christmas, but no idea what the *big* wants are.  I'm finding good prices on things I think they'll like, but they are becoming more specific on what they do and don't want.  Mostly Batman - who looked at us Christmas morning and announced that Santa got it wrong. Robin will still gladly receive random crap, but I don't want to coast on that given the guilt I felt after his birthday when I realized he didn't get anything on his list.

I'm wondering if I should buy stuff I see now when prices seem fair, or hold off until Black Friday to see if prices get better.  But will they?  Or will I miss my chance to get Matchbox Mega Rig Shark Set and that becomes the one thing Robin has to have and I can't get it?  (I think I'm the one that wants it, not so much them. But I would have tons of fun with it at bath time.)


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