Monday, September 16, 2013

Another day in DC, another shooting.

I'll be the first to admit that today's event is different from an ordinary shooting.  However, when I heard there was a shooting in DC near the Navy Yard, my first thought was that it must be drug related.  The Spouse worked at the Navy Yard a decade ago.  I would take metro there to meet him after work and was afraid.  There used to be a liquor store across the street from his building where drug dealers and hookers would peddle their wares.  Marines with large guns guarded The Spouse's building and would tell me to cross the street.  I would say that I needed to stayrightherepleasedon'tshootbutI'mnotgoingoverthere.  The neighborhood has gentrified by leaps and bounds since that time, with the Nats stadium, Department of Transportation hub, and many new upscale condominiums.  But, still, there are elements of drug trade around there.

When I heard the shooter was inside a Navy building, I decided it must be a disgruntled employee.  Sucks, but it's a reasonable assumption.

Now, with 12 dead and a potential shooter on the loose (? - we honestly don't know) I have no idea what to think, except that life is too short to live without cards* and I could really use a cupcake but I don't want to go get one because a potential shooter is on the loose.

Ah, DC, way to keep it interesting.

*Four days later - I'm re-reading this post and I have absolutely no idea what point I was trying to make here.  

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